Everglades Coalition
Public Service Award
The Public Service Award is given to an outstanding elected, appointed, or agency professional who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to advance Everglades restoration. The award was established to honor James D. Webb, former Assistant Secretary of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks at the U.S. Department of the Interior under President Carter. In that capacity, he was instrumental in the development and passage of legislation creating both the Florida Panther and Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuges, the expansion of the Big Cypress National Preserve. He was instrumental in the expansion of the Everglades National Park and in the authorization of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Northeast Shark River Slough project. He participated in organizing the provisions of the Water Resources Development Act of 1992. Known as a consensus builder, he worked to build local and national alliances on behalf of the restoration of the Everglades and Florida Bay. Today the Everglades Coalition continues to honor one outstanding public servant each year.

Award Recipients
2024 Col. Charlette Roman
2023 U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
2022 Dr. Evelyn Gaiser
2021 Congressman Francis Rooney
2020 Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava
2019 Lt. Col. Jennifer Reynolds
2018 Florida Senate President Joe Negron
2017 Mayor Kevin Ruane
2016 Brian Carlstrom
2015 Congressman Patrick Murphy
2014 Kim Dryden
2013 Senator Bill Nelson
2012 Secretary Jo-Ellen Darcy, Asst. Secretary of the
Army for Civil Works and Estus Whitfield
2011 Commissioner Ray Judah
2010 Secretary Thomas Pelham, Florida Department of
Community Affairs
2009 Chairman Eric Buermann, Governing Board, SFWMD
2008 Chris Beldon
2007 Commissioner Kristen Jacobs
2006 Congressman David Hobson
2005 Andrew C. Eller, Jr.
2004 Congressman E. Clay Shaw, Jr.
2003 Congresswoman Carrie Meek
2002 Commissioner Katy Sorenson
2001 Senator Bob Smith
2000 Congressman Ralph Regula
1999 Herb Zebuth
1998 Billy Causey
1997 Terry Rice
1996 Bob Johnson
1995 Theresa Woody